DEUST, BUT: Introduction

DEUST, BUT, what are they?

Firstly, the BUT (Bachelor Universitaire de Technologie) is a bachelor’s degree that is completed over two years within an IUT (Institut Universitaire de Technologie). It’s important to note that the term “IUT” refers to the institution itself, while the “BUT” refers to the degree being pursued. As the BUT is a two-year program, it does not grant the level of a bachelor’s degree but awards 120 ECTS credits, like other 2-year programs.

The DEUST (Diplôme d’Etudes Universitaires Scientifiques et Techniques) is comparable to the BUT in the sense that it is also completed over two years, awards the same number of ECTS credits, and the overall curriculum is similar to that of the BUT. The LMD (Licence-Master-Doctorat) reform aims to gradually phase out the DEUST in favor of the BUT and BTS (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur).

These programs are designed to be professionally oriented and were created to enable graduates to enter the workforce directly after completing two years of study. However, the majority of students continue their studies at the bachelor’s or master’s level.

The fields of study covered by these programs are diverse, and here is a non-exhaustive list of some areas:

Secondary – Science and Technology

  • Biological Engineering – Agronomy Option
  • Biological and Biochemical Analysis
  • Mechanical and Production Engineering…


  • Accounting and Financial Management
  • Business and Administration Management
  • Human Resources Management
  • Banking and Insurance
  • Legal Careers…

DEUST, BUT, what are the possible study formats?

The BUT degree is generally flexible. To explain further, here’s a brief glossary of terms used in this section, in case you’re not already familiar with them:

  • Initial education: This means that you pursue your BUT as your first degree after high school, in continuation of your studies.
  • Continuing education: This term refers to those who have left initial education, i.e., individuals who are already in the workforce and wish to resume their studies for further training or career change.
  • Apprenticeship: This is a learning cycle where you spend half of your time at school and the other half working in a company to apply your knowledge directly.

“But can I do all of this in a BUT?” – Yes. The BUT can be pursued in initial education, right after high school, as well as in continuing education, even though 97.5% of BUT students enter the program directly from high school (according to data from the Ministry of National Education in Repères Et Références Statistiques 2017).

“Can I do my BUT through apprenticeship?” – Yes, but not in the first year.

“I have already completed two years of higher education and I want to earn a BUT. Is that possible?” – Yes, and it can be completed in one year instead of two! Some IUTs offer what is called a “BUT Année Spéciale,” which is a one-year program that awards a BUT degree.

DEUST, BUT, where can these institutions be found in France?

Pursuing a BUT is quite convenient as there are many institutions offering these programs. There are a total of 114 IUTs in France, covering various fields. However, it is important to check if the nearby IUTs offer the desired program. For example, in Lyon, there are 3 IUTs (IUT Lyon 1 for sciences, Lyon 2 for management and quality, Lyon 3 for more tertiary-focused programs).

DEUST, BUT: How does the training unfold?

DEUST, BUT, registration and admission?

To enter a BUT program, you need to go through the Parcoursup platform and submit your application. You can make up to 10 choices, whether within your academic region or in another region if you are interested in a specific IUT located far from your place of residence.

DEUST, BUT, what programs are offered?

The BUT program combines theoretical and practical training. The distribution may vary depending on the specific program, as it can cover fields ranging from mechanics to legal studies. However, there is generally an equal distribution between Lectures (CM), Tutorials (TD), and Practical Work (TP). Key components of the BUT program include a second-year project and an internship.

The project is typically carried out during the third semester of the second year. It involves working in a team on a project throughout the semester, outside of regular classes, and presenting it before a jury at the end. These projects often have significant weighting in the final assessment, so it’s important to invest the necessary effort to succeed.

In the last semester, students are required to complete a 10-week internship in a company. The internship involves preparing a report and presenting it before a jury from the IUT, as well as the company supervisor. The internship carries a high weighting in the final semester assessment, and it can be said that a successful internship is equivalent to a successfully completed semester – highlighting its importance.

Finding a suitable company for the internship can be challenging. It’s advisable to contact companies in advance, explaining that you will need to complete an internship typically around the month of April.

To obtain detailed information about the specific courses, number of hours, distribution, weighting, content, and other relevant details, you can quickly find the National Pedagogical Program (PPN) for each BUT program online. For example, for the BUT program in Legal Careers, you can simply search for “ppn but cj” on Google, and it should be the first result.

DEUST, BUT, am I a good fit?

Here are some figures that can provide answers to your questions. They are all taken from the comprehensive RERS 2017 report.

“What is the distribution between Technological Baccalaureate and General Baccalaureate students in the BUT program?”

For the 2016-2017 academic year, BUT students consisted of 30% Technological Baccalaureate graduates (a 0.3% increase compared to the previous year) and 65% General Baccalaureate graduates (a 0.2% increase). Students from Professional Baccalaureate programs represented only 2% of new BUT entrants.

“What is the gender distribution in the BUT program?”

No, the BUT program is not exclusively for men (are there any programs that are?). The overall gender distribution is 40% female and 60% male.

In the services sector: gender parity, with 51% female.

In the production sector: 24% female and 76% male.

In the Chemistry specialization: 57.5% female and 42.5% male.

In the Biology specialization: 65% female and 35% male.

DEUST, BUT: What to do next?

DEUST, BUT, what is the average salary after graduation?

In technical fields, the highest starting salaries are seen in BUT programs such as Industrial Engineering and Maintenance, Civil Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering and Production, with average net salaries around €1600.

In the tertiary sector, salaries generally range from €1500 to €1700 net, but the employment rate in banking, insurance, and commerce-related occupations is high, and there is demand for graduates with a BAC+2 qualification.

While BUT graduates may not command very high starting salaries, they still have strong prospects for career advancement according to the APEC (Association for Executive Employment).

DEUST, BUT, what are the career prospects and job opportunities after graduation?

In 2015, IUTs (across all fields) had a 66% success rate for students completing the degree in two years and 11% after an additional year. There is a difference between BUT programs in the services sector, with a 68% success rate, and those in the production sector, with a 62% success rate.

Due to their professional focus, BUT programs prepare students for employment immediately upon graduation, especially through the final internship and apprenticeship experiences. Thus, holders of a BUT degree generally have little difficulty finding employment. Here are some statistics from the RERS 2017 report:

  • 90% of BUT graduates have employment thirty months after graduation.
  • 69% of them have permanent contracts (CDI).
  • 57% hold managerial positions (still at thirty months after graduation).

DEUST, BUT, what further education options are available after graduation?

Professional Bachelor’s Degree (Licence Professionnelle): Offered in IUTs, this one-year program allows students to attain a BAC+3 level and specialize in a field related to their BUT degree.

Business School: Many business schools recruit graduates from BUT programs, particularly through the Tremplin 1 entrance exam, which grants access to the third year of a bachelor’s degree. It is also possible to take the Tremplin 2 exam after completing a Professional Bachelor’s Degree and enter the first year of a master’s program at a business school.

Engineering School: For technical BUT programs, pursuing an engineering degree is a highly sought-after option. It is entirely possible to enter an engineering school after completing a BUT, as most engineering schools reserve places for BUT graduates. Applicants will need to take entrance exams specific to the corresponding schools, such as the Concours Communs Polytechniques (CCP), Centrale-Supelec, Polytech, and others.

ATS Preparatory Class: If you feel that you are not ready for an engineering school after completing a BUT but still have it as your goal, you can consider the ATS preparatory class. This one-year preparatory program is specifically designed for graduates of BUT and BTS programs, aiming to provide them with the necessary background before proceeding to engineering schools that they might not have been eligible for after two years of BUT.

University: Of course, pursuing a Bachelor’s degree (Licence 3) and then a Master’s degree at a university is also an option, although this path is less commonly chosen than attending specialized schools.



